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“Basketball and Brothers” Basketball Competition
Basketball is always an important topic and sport among men. Yutong seating held a competition for the basketball players within the business unit on 10th Aug.
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Experience Sharing Activities from the Management Team
To continuously improve the professional ability of all employees in the business unit and create an efficient and professional team with a good learning atmosphere, the business unit held the “2019 Jingyida Management team Sharing Activity – Employee Growth” activity.
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Graduation Party for the New Recruits
New recruits of university students who graduated in 2018 have come to Yutong seating for internship for around 1 year
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A Photography Competence on the Theme of Seat Was Held
A photography competence on the theme of seat was held with 1 month of photography collecting.
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Product Roadshow and Technical Exchange Held by Yutong Seating Business Unit
On June 15th, Yutong seating business unit organized product roadshow and technical exchange and invited external customers and internal colleagues to participate in.
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“Happy Jogging, Healthy Life” Competition
The warmer weather is perfect for exercise. To encourage employees to do more exercise and gain a healthy body.
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